The butterfly in the neck is the thyroid. It is a gland and is located at the height of our neck and normally not visible and not palpable.

When you get sick it can swell and then a swelling forms on the neck, in the area of the Adam’s apple.

It produces hormones, called Ft3 and Ft4, which perform important functions throughout our life, from when we are a fetus to old age.

Thyroid diseases are often misunderstood, and therefore special investigations must be made to find them.

The thyroid can slow down its functioning, produce fewer hormones and in this case we speak of hypothyroidism.

Conversely, when it works faster and produces more hormones, it is called hyperthyroidism.

But like other glands and tissues in our body, it can also form tumors.

All three conditions can have serious repercussions in the event of pregnancy, or interference on both female and male fertility.

But what happens to us in the case of hypo or hyperthyroidism, given, as already mentioned, that we can often not have sensational symptoms?

When fewer thyroid hormones are in circulation, our metabolism is slower, and therefore we become more sensitive to cold, we gain weight, the skin becomes dry, the hair can thin out, we have difficulty concentrating. A woman may have difficulty ovulating and therefore having difficulties in procreating. But in the event that she becomes pregnant anyway, this altered metabolism can cause damage to the fetus, give malformations, lead to placental abruption, with spontaneous abortion.

When the thyroid works more and more hormones circulate, the metabolism is faster, and therefore we become more sensitive to heat, we sweat, we are anxious, the heart beats faster, we lose weight, the skin is warm and moist, we feel tired.

If left untreated, a pregnant woman with hyperthyroidism risks losing her baby or having major health problems herself, such as heart failure.

As mentioned earlier, the thyroid gland can also be the site of tumors. Fortunately, in the vast majority of cases they are not very aggressive tumors , even if malignant. In the presence of this type of neoplasm, a woman can become pregnant, but she will obviously be monitored and subjected to more checks.

So what should you do if you suspect thyroid disease, or fail to procreate, or even just want to investigate whether you are ready to procreate?

Just do a thyroid ultrasound and a blood test to see these values: TSH, Ft3, Ft4.

These simple investigations will give us very important information.

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